05 Aug 2024

Don’t miss the best of Francophone humour (videos)

While French is often described as the language of love, it is often forgotten that it is also a language that can make you laugh (a lot). This series of videos reflects the very essence of Francophone humour. Feel free to binge-watch!


If ever proof was needed that French had a sense of humour, just visit Montreux, Switzerland, during its Comedy Festival. Every year, comic stars gather on stage to laugh about everything – in French!

It’s good to laugh

From 5 August, the Francophonie Festival, Making a Better World invites you to tune in to the Montreux Comedy Festival to (re)discover cult videos from some of these comic legends, including Paul Taylor, Kamel Abdat and Virginie Fortin. From the Congo to Morocco and North America, enjoy the best of Francophone humour.

The crème de la crème of Francophone humour

These videos are a reminder that comics are an essential means of challenging ideas and awakening minds. Gad Elmaleh, the Moroccan and Canadian comic, loses his way in the new codes of flirting, the American Sebastian Marx is wound up by the cheeky tricks of the French language, and Juste Parfait takes aim at Congolese names, while Virginie Fortin, Rachid Badouri, Tristan Lucas and Kamel Abdat also make an appearance.

Visit the social media of the Francophonie Festival and Montreux Comedy to find videos!

Save the date: an evening of comedy on 2 October

In partnership with Les Hauts de l’Humour, Making a Better World, the Francophonie Festival invites you to an unprecedented event: a gala of French and international comedians. On this exceptional evening, Gad Elmaleh, Alex Vizorek, Paul Taylor and Laetitia Mampaka will take to the stage at the Gaîté Lyrique to uphold the banner of Francophonie. Side-splitting guaranteed! Ticketing information upcoming.

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01 Jun 2024

The Resonances of the Festival, a journey to the heart of Francophonie 

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#ChanteEnFrançais: meet the winners!  

After nearly two months, the jury of the #ChanteEnFrançais contest on Instagram have finally made their decision! Discover the names of the five winners and the prize they will receive and remember their whole lives.

04 Jul 2024

12 INA videos illustrating the evolution of the French language

We dove into the archives of the French National Audiovisual Institute (INA) and discovered a wealth of fascinating videos proving that the French language has adapted, shifted and transformed over the decades to keep pace with the world around it. Don’t miss the “Voyage en Francophonie” (a journey through Francophonie) video series on the art of speaking French!

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